Latest Guest Columns

Madeline's House STEPS Israel Hill


Sharon Harrup: A response to concerns about STEPS

As the President & CEO of STEPS, I had decided not to engage in a “point counter point” ...

Angel Tree Christmas


Bellenir: A Christmas lesson, joining hands to overcome fear

One iconic moment in the traditional Christmas story is when an angel appears to some shepherds. “Fear not!” ...

hunting season


Mike Wilson: A cautionary tale of hunting season and Cedar Island

As we head into hunting season, I reflect back on one of my unique experiences from years past ...


Tammy Mulchi: Less than two weeks left

We will be less than two weeks away from the Nov. 5 election by the time this article ...

summer vacation


Mike Wilson: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

How did I spend my summer vacation? Short version:  In a sensorial semi-fog. Detailed version:  Plan A was ...

Prince Edward Brickyard Bulls 10th District Jack Trammell


Edward Strickler: We need to get involved with county planning

In the matter of changes for the better with local public education: It is excellent to read and ...

Buckingham Schools FAFSA delays Prince Edward schools


Justin Pope: For the next school leader, we must aim high

The first thing to say about the departure of Dr. Barbara Johnson as school superintendent is “thank you.” ...

Prince Edward schools bus drivers school threats Lee Banton


Lee Banton: If the students aren’t prepared, why take the test?

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of columns Dr. Lee Banton is writing for the ...

Prince Edward schools Buckingham absence numbers superintendent


Lee Banton: Prince Edward schools need to answer this question

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of columns Dr. Banton put together for the Herald, ...

dark sky


Dark Sky parks become the latest focus for Grateful Boomers

Did you know there’s an International Dark Sky Park right in our backyard? That would be the 1,561-acre ...


Dr. Quentin R. Johnson: Here’s to new beginnings

As a new semester gets underway, excitement fills the hallways at Southside Virginia Community College. Some students are ...

Hong Kong Disneyland


Isabella’s Story: A Day Off in Hong Kong’s Disneyland

Editor’s note: Longwood women’s lacrosse player Isabella McCullough is still in Hong Kong this week, continuing to share ...

U20 Championship


Isabella’s Story: Landing in Hong Kong for the U20 Championship

Editor’s note: Longwood women’s lacrosse player Isabella McCullough is in Hong Kong this week and next. She’s been ...

STEPS Israel Hill right plant


Letter to the Editor: We still have questions, STEPS isn’t answering

Regarding the article titled “Questions Remain for STEPS,” we still have a question for Shawn Rozier of STEPS: ...

Prince Edward schools Buckingham absence numbers superintendent


Josh Blakely: We ‘whisper wonder’ about Prince Edward schools

Every July and August, the parents and teachers of Prince Edward County take part in a tradition that ...


Tommy Wright: Saying goodbye to Biden

Joe Biden is out. Writing in a social media post on Sunday afternoon, the President announced that he ...


Tommy Wright: Saturday was a watershed moment

The attempted assassination of former President Trump sent a shock through American politics at every level. The cowardly ...


Mike Wilson: The art of duck hunting on icy days

I am no Nancy Kerrigan, by which I do not mean to suggest that I have never been ...

Farmville roundabout


Letter to the Editor: Is a roundabout the best use of state dollars?

Now look, I know the vote’s already been done and the roundabout is coming to Farmville, regardless if ...

Letter to the Editor Buckingham supervisors Cumberland FFA


Letter to the Editor: Neglected voices, the untold story of Israel Hill

In response to the article titled “What Should Happen on Israel Hill” it’s crucial to address what didn’t happen – ...


Farmville Pride: Pride Month was about more than flags or parades

As a 20-year-old bisexual woman figuring out college life, Pride Month held great significance for me. It’s more ...


Del. Tommy Wright: We did our job. They didn’t.

The House of Delegates did its job on June 28, voting to repeal the changes to the Virginia ...


Mike Wilson: A washtub, some stripers and a confession

We made it to the middle of the year. Congratulate yourself! As we get ready to celebrate the ...

Christopher Michael Rowan Prospect Cumberland County


Tammy Mulchi: Changes are coming in the VA General Assembly

Much has been written about the many bills during the 2024 VA General Assembly session, a usual media ...


Tommy Wright: One thing was removed from the budget

The budget signed into law by the Governor last week isn’t one that a Republican-led House would have ...


Tommy Wright: Looking ahead beyond the budget

The May 13 Special Session was a one-day affair, and a budget has been signed into law for ...



Brian Vincent: Make Farmville the model. Make decency viral.

“There are two things we can all support, two things that always draw bi-partisan congressional support – the ...

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