
Answers to your questions

Last month, when I confessed my love of Groundhog Day, I did not include details on Punxsutawney Phil’s ...


Sunshine and shadows

Groundhog Day is my favorite holiday. It marks the halfway point of winter and the turning toward spring, ...


Ho, ho, ho, it’s a new year

I’m not sure whether 2016 was especially challenging or if its press agent simply chose to portray it ...


Instant messaging

On a Sunday afternoon not long ago, my daughter called to chat. My phone provides the option of ...


Rolling at last

I haven’t had many opportunities to ride my bike this year. One early obstacle was the bike itself. ...


What comes next?

As I type these words, the vice presidential debate is still in Farmville’s future. By the time you ...


Planning things out

I’m the type of person who likes to plan things out. I want to know what’s going to ...


Feeding the hungry

I think I’m a reasonably generous person. My husband and I contribute to several worthy causes, and we ...


Summertime tasks

I use to-do lists to help me remember things. My list of routine household chores (make the bed, ...


Twinkle, twinkle, little bug

Light fascinates me. It comes in so many different forms. Fireworks, sparklers, Christmas displays. Flames that lap the ...


Into the future

Congratulations to this year’s graduates. Longwood University, Hampden-Sydney College, and Southside Virginia Community College are hosting ceremonies this ...


I’m rooting for the ravens

Let me begin with a note to sports fans: The ravens I’m rooting for don’t wear football helmets. ...


Beloved bees

I’ve been reading information from the Xerces Society, an organization formed to promote the conservation of insects and ...


Winter reading recommendations from local libraries

For a few more weeks, cold days will linger and the hours of nighttime darkness will outnumber the ...


What a colorful world — where we all shine

Isn’t the world supposed to be drab and monochromatic this time of year? Trees stretch out bare branches. ...


Still Happy to Be Here — and grateful too

This column appears monthly under the title “Happy to Be Here.” Such a public declaration leads people to ...

Church & Community

Collecting art

I have a small sculpture in my office. It stands about four inches tall and consists of a ...


Happy to be here: Farmville, that’s where I live

When my husband and I tell people from other places that we live in Farmville, their reactions are ...


Be a Superhero

Usually it’s only superheroes who get an opportunity to save the planet, but last month I had my ...


Getting the Worm

Everyone knows the early bird gets the worm. And people who know me, know that I am not ...

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