Buckingham state champs get their rings

Published 4:44 pm Thursday, July 13, 2023

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For the first time in more than 47 years, the Virginia High School League’s Scholastic Bowl State championship resides at Buckingham High. While the Knights brought home the title after competition on Saturday, Feb. 25, the team just got their rings during a ceremony with the Buckingham County School Board. 

Since the second week of August, the team has practiced multiple times a week, spending their time going over a variety of questions and subjects. At the state competition, they beat three other teams, defeating Poquoson 205 to 165; beating Richlands 210 to 145 and eliminating Gretna 230 to 90. 

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In an earlier interview with The Herald, Scholastic Bowl Varsity Head Coach Ryan Peede said this win is the second state championship for the school in any sport. It’s also the first state win in Scholastic Bowl since 1975. 

During the competition, the team participated in matches that were broken into three rounds. The first round consisted of a toss-up of questions, the second had two sets of direct questions that the teams could choose from before going back to a toss-up round for the last one. If the players answered correctly they won 10 points but could lose five points if incorrect so they had to be careful. 

The questions came from a variety of subjects that require players to be familiar with a range of topics. It helps with the team members’ education as well, as some topics overlap with what they’re learning in the classroom. That includes things like literature, history, mathematics and science. With all questions mixed together, a team has to be prepared for anything.

state champs