Taxpayer Relief Fund

Published 11:09 am Tuesday, June 25, 2019

During the 2019 General Assembly session I was proud to support legislation that will result in a $1.2 billion tax cut for Virginia families. As part of the legislation, the Taxpayer Relief Fund was set up to return to the taxpayers an estimated $450 million

In order to qualify for the rebate, state taxes must be filed by July 1 and the taxpayer cannot owe back taxes to their local government, the state, the IRS or any state agency. If so, the rebate will go to settle those debts.

If you’ve already filed your taxes and you have no debts in the aforementioned categories, you are set to receive a rebate from the state.

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Individual filers are expected to receive a maximum $110 rebate, while joint filers can expect a maximum of $220. Note that the rebate will not be higher than the actual tax liability, meaning an individual with a liability of $50 would likely receive a $50 rebate rather than the full $110 or $220.

If you haven’t filed your state taxes yet, don’t worry. You still have time before the July 1 deadline. If you need more information on filing visit the Department of Taxation website.

Here are some other tips to ensure your return is processed smoothly. Make sure your name, address and Social Security number are correct on your return. Also, file electronically and include your Virginia driver’s license or Virginia identification card number on your return.

DEL. C. MATTHEW FARISS represents Buckingham in the Virginia House of Delegates. His email address is DelMFariss@house.