Justin Timberlake makes a cameo appearance in Farmville
Published 6:22 am Tuesday, March 26, 2019
- Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake (JT), the music and Hollywood megastar, has over the years developed a reputation of taking time away from his busy schedule to give some one-on-one time to young members of his fan base that may be dealing with a heavy load in their life. More than once he has been filmed as he sneaks in to surprise somebody in the hospital, or homebound. He is known for reaching out to encourage people, giving back a little of what he has received over the years.
This past weekend JT, true to his nature, again made for some unforgettable memories when he made a cameo appearance at the Saturday, 1 p.m. performance of “This Aint For You,” a play hosted by the Farmville District Council on Youth Ministry and presented at Fuqua School. The Council is part of the United Methodist Church.
The play was performed by area youth under the direction and guidance of District Coordinator Kyla Silver. Music was provided by the talented Still Waters Band. Silver, who enjoys past experience as a model, was able to arrange JT’s appearance for the show.
“This Ain’t For You” posed the eternal question, ‘What is our purpose in this life’ — both asked and answered from the perspectives of two young people, a boy and a girl. The contrasting origins of the question, both positive and negative lead to the inevitable conclusion; we are not alone.
Timberlake made a cameo appearance at the Saturday afternoon performance, stepping out in his signature white outfit to dance with the cast and perform his hit, “Can’t Stop The Feeling.” The dance scene overflowed the stage at one point filling the floor in front of the audience.
Justin Timberlake appearance was secret
JT’s appearance was a well-kept secret. His appearance was so much of a secret, in fact, that the audience really wasn’t quite sure if it was him at first glance.
One look at the star struck expressions on the faces of the girls onstage left zero doubt as to who it was. JT was in the house!
When the dancers finished their number and exited stage right, Timberlake went the other way. Forever the gentleman, however, JT turned to the young ladies across the stage from him, bowed and blew them a kiss.
The heart of soul visits the Heart of Virginia.
You never know who you will cross paths with in Farmville these days.
It was Timberlake’s request to downplay his performance altogether — because he did not want to distract from the efforts the young cast members had put into the production.
Proceeds from the play will go to help Hospitality House, a home for youth fighting cancer. For more information visit www.farmvilledcym.org.