When Jesus gets angry

Published 2:05 pm Thursday, March 15, 2018

I asked a group of youth. “How would you describe Jesus in one or two words?” They chimed in quickly with words such as: love, goodness, humble, pious, kind, caring, devout, meek and gentle.

“How would you describe Jesus physically?” They mentioned long hair, pale skin and a constant smile, like a hippie from the 1960s. Another student described Jesus in a way that reminded me of TV’s Mister Rogers, dressed in his signature sweater singing, “It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood.”

I told them, “Do you really think Jesus looked like a hippie or a nice guy in a sweater? Remember, Jesus was arrested, beaten and tortured before being killed on a cross. Would anyone do that to a flower child or Mr. Rogers? No. I don’t think so.”

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“So, why were the Jews so angry at Jesus? Angry enough to have him brutally killed?”

Silence. One youth quietly answered: “I don’t know. Why would they want to kill Jesus?”

I responded: “Now you are ready to look at the Bible and what it says about Jesus.”

In the Gospel of Matthew there is an interesting story: “Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.’” (Matthew 23:1-3)

Jesus is warning us about two groups called scribes and Pharisees who do not practice what they teach? Who are these two groups and why is Jesus warning us about them?

Scribes and Pharisees were experts on Jewish law. Surrounded by Greek culture and Roman occupation, the Jewish people were slowly losing their identity. Scribes and Pharisees took a heroic stand to follow God’s law no matter what. Scribes and Pharisees were respected much like your pastor and church leaders.

Imagine Jesus visiting your church on a Sunday morning. The entire community gathers to hear him. On the front row sits the pastor and church leaders. Jesus stands in front of the church, thrusts his arm toward the front row and shouts: “You pastors and church leaders sit in nice buildings with padded pews and stained-glass windows. You may be good teachers but you do not practice what you teach.”

“Do you see why they were so offended?” I said to the students. “But wait, Jesus continues to insult them.” I continued reading replacing scribes and Pharisees with pastors and church leaders:

Verse 13: “How terrible it will be for you pastors and church leaders…”

Verse 15: “Yes, How terrible it will be for pastors and church leaders…”

Verse 16: “Blind guides! How terrible it will be for you!”

Verse 23: “How terrible it will be for you pastors and church leaders…”

Verse 25: “How terrible it will be for you pastors and church leaders…”

Verse 27: “How terrible it will be for you pastors and church leaders…”

Verse 29: “How terrible it will be for you pastors and church leaders…”

When something is repeated in the Bible, it is important. Jesus says the same phrase many times. Then he shouts the harshest condemnation of all: Verse 33: “Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment of hell?”

The students by this time had looks of horror on their faces. One child looked near tears before asking the obvious question: “Why was Jesus so angry?”

Some people always look and act angry so we don’t pay much attention to them but when a person like Jesus who is known for being loving, calm and compassionate becomes this angry you notice.

Why was Jesus so angry? Also, why was he so angry at pastors, Sunday school teachers, choir members, administrative board chairpersons, deacons, elders and other leaders?

In other words: “Why was Jesus so angry at people like you and me?

Next: Part two of “A Different Way of Looking at Jesus.” The answers may surprise you or even infuriate you. But, then you will begin to understand why Jesus very deliberately walked a road destined for a cross on Calvary. Meanwhile, read Matthew 23 for yourself and let me know what you think. I may include your thoughts next week.

Rev. Larry E. Davies can be reached at LarryDavies@PrayWithYou.org.