Gee releases two new books

Published 2:56 pm Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Carol Braxter Gee, a Farmville native and former resident, recently released two new books.

According to a press release, “Random Notes (About Life, ‘Stuff’ and Finally Learning to Exhale)” is the third book in a series women have coined “girlfriend books” because of their female-centric topics. “Random Notes” includes essays such as “While I May Not Be Able to Find My Way Out of a Paper Bag, I Can Make a Mean Pound Cake” and “Castor Oil Does Not Cure Everything.”

Her second book, “Gilded Pearls,” shares her love of repurposing everyday household items.

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Gee, who served 21 years in the U.S. Air Force, is also a retired educator who graduated from Luther P. Jackson High School. She has relatives in Farmville and the surrounding area, including first cousin, Ernest Toney, a former sheriff’s deputy.

Both books are available through her website,, and at Barnes and Noble.