Letter to the Editor: We have to do better

Published 6:22 pm Saturday, February 3, 2024

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Dear Editor, 

In my three years in Prince Edward, I have learned how important tourism is to this community. A big part of the tourism economy is the visitors that come eat, stay, and recreate in the various State Parks and local options we enjoy. They come here because Prince Edward County is beautiful with scenic views and vistas at every turn. 

Each year when we get to winter, the complaints from citizens start filtering in regarding the litter along Prince Edward County’s roadways; rightfully so. It’s not that VDOT and their contractors nor the excellent support provided by the Piedmont Regional Jail staff and inmates have not made an effort, but once the grass is mowed at the end of the year and turns brown the litter becomes more visible. In November/December VDOT contractors picked up over 1,000 bags of trash along Routes 360 and 460. That’s right, over 1,000 bags of trash. 

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Already, the exit ramps are covered with trash. Citizens and taxpayers, we have to do better. I realize some of the trash is coming from transient traffic along the roads, but when I see a local pickup truck on Route 460 with trash blowing out of the back for miles at a stretch, I know that we are unknowingly contributing to the problem. For 2024, please let’s all do our community a favor and keep the back of our trucks cleaned out and help Prince Edward County put its best face forward. We cannot expect visitors to care about the community if we don’t lead by example!

Douglas Stanley

Prince Edward County Administrator