Grateful Boomers head to Apple Orchard Mountain

Published 6:49 pm Saturday, January 13, 2024

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The latest adventure for the Grateful Boomers out of Curdsville took them to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Coming up on milepost 74, they tackled a hike up Apple Orchard Mountain. The Boomers said this hike was easy, following the ridge line for a 5.3 mile out and back along the Appalachian Trail. 

The members say lichens and mosses provided multiple shades of greens, grays, and blues on rocks and trees, and on the way back, they were treated to their first hike in the snow! In spite of temperatures topping in the mid-thirties, they stayed warm from layering, hiking, and hot soup from the thermos. 

“Here in Central Virginia, we are fortunate to be able to enjoy hiking in the mountains each season,” group members said in a statement. “Where else can your eyes soak up so much beauty, your lungs breathe so much fresh air, your brain experience new challenges, and your muscles get stronger? Hiking with friends also provides social engagement which is another component of healthy aging.” 

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For more information about this hike and many others, check out Go Hike Virginia. 

And if you’re wondering who the Grateful Boomers are, they’re a group of friends from Buckingham County, all over the age of 60, who want to enrich their lives through both meaningful friendships and challenging outdoor adventures. They believe that aging gratefully with a high level of curiosity about everything, will create the best environment to remain mentally and physically active. Collectively, the group’s interests run from biking to hiking, kayaking and photography to reading, knitting, gardening and travel. They hope that by sharing their adventures, the group will inspire others to do the same.