Letter to the Editor: Three minutes for what?

Published 12:05 pm Wednesday, November 22, 2023

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Dear Editor, 

I just heard from my Board of Supervisors (BOS) member that the public comments at the Buckingham BOS meeting on Tuesday were inconsequential. 

He said he received five times as many calls about approving solar in Buckingham as he heard from citizens at the meetings. (Our conversation ended abruptly.) Apparently Supervisors Matthews and Miles didn’t need to hear from Buckingham citizens either. Their motions to proceed with solar permits at the latest meeting were clearly prewritten. 

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What’s the takeaway? 

Don’t work to get your concerns into the allowable three minute comment time? 

Save your time and make a phone call? 

I’ve experienced disrespect and dismissal for nine years at the BOS meetings. 

Is this why we elect representatives? 

Wasn’t it Supervisor Bryan who said, years ago, that his constituents didn’t attend BOS meetings to speak because they were afraid of repercussions? 

What kind of democracy is this? 

Kenda Hanuman 
