FACES Food Pantry gets help from Food Lion

Published 2:13 pm Monday, November 27, 2023

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One local nonprofit got some good news on Monday, as FACES Food Pantry received some help from Food Lion. The national grocery chain donated $2,000 through its charitable foundation, to help cover the cost of food and other supplies. 

Food Pantry is very grateful for the support of Food Lion and its charitable foundation,” said FACES Co-President Paul Baker. “This donation, combined with all the generous gifts from residents of Farmville and the greater Prince Edward County area, makes it possible for FACES to combat hunger even as we provide healthier foods to those we serve.  We appreciate all those who make our motto of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” come to fruition.” 

Food Lion’s Feeding the Hungry grant will go to help FACES provide support to more than 2,000 residents this year. In addition, the grants support community feeding partners by helping

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neighbors increase their access to nutritious food and provide nutrition education to eliminate health risks for those experiencing food insecurity.

What is FACES Food Pantry?

FACES Food Pantry, founded in 1981, is dedicated to eliminating hunger in the area by engaging the wider community to provide nutritious food to neighbors who struggle to afford the necessities of life. FACES also fosters connections between those served and other agencies that assist residents in need.

The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is committed to supporting families facing food insecurity across its 10-state footprint. Established in 2001, the foundation provides financial support for programs and organizations dedicated to feeding local neighbors in the communities it serves. Since its inception, the foundation has awarded more than $18.1 million in grants.