Lady Falcons cheerleaders earn team, individual honors
Published 4:55 pm Friday, September 13, 2019
- Fuqua School’s varsity cheerleaders pictured are, from left at bottom of circle, Rachel Mason, Kaitlyn Morgan, Charlotte Haney, Sarah Garceau, Audra Murphy, Carmen Reynolds, Reagan Davis, Bailey Rutherford, Hannah Ostrander, Mary Katherine Kendall, Ashley Handy, Lexy Tharpe, Margaret Grace Patterson and Kendall Moore. (Photo courtesy of Fuqua School)
The Fuqua School junior varsity (JV) and varsity cheerleader teams participated in their 2019-20 National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) Cheer Camp in their home gym this summer and earned a bevy of awards, a Fuqua press release highlighted, adding that each squad set out to reach not only its individual squad goals but also the goals for the program altogether.
Officials noted in the release that each squad learned eight chants, five cheers, two band-chant dances and four performance dances. They focused on sharpening their jump, motion and performance techniques. They spent time working with signs and crowd involvement to create more participation and excitement at games.
The JV squad was awarded the Technical Excellence Award for stunts, Superior Ribbon Evaluation, Superior Squad Award, Squad Special Event Invitation and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Squad Credentialing Award National Championship Bid, the release cited.
The release stated that the varsity squad was awarded the Technical Excellence Award for motions, the Technical Excellence Award for stunting, Superior Ribbon Evaluation, Superior Squad Award, NFHS Squad Credentialing Award, “Herkie T.E.A.M. Award,” Special Event Invitation and National Championship Bid.
Individual All-American nominations for displaying superior cheerleading techniques in either jumps, tumbling, stunting, motion technique, leadership or dance were presented, officials cited in the release. JV nominees were Caroline Krouse, Hannah Whaley, Ava Thrasher, Aubrie Jefferson and Austin Frazier. Varsity nominees included Lexy Tharpe, Charlotte Haney, Sarah Garceau, Meredith Schmidt, Curstan Tharpe, Reagan Davis, Kendall Moore, Bailey Rutherford, Mary Katherine Kendall, Kaitlyn Morgan and Hannah Ostrander. Each of these ladies performed to make the All-American Team.
“We are excited to announce that Aubrie Jefferson, Kendall Moore, Mary Katherine Kendall, Kaitlyn Morgan and Hannah Ostrander were chosen as All-American Team members,” officials said in the release.
The release concluded by noting that the Lady Falcon cheerleaders accomplished a great deal and received several honors through their determination and perseverance at camp, affording them opportunities to perform at the Citrus Bowl, Walt Disney World Thanksgiving Parade, London, England’s New Year’s Day Parade and the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Parade.