FFA compete at State Convention
Published 7:38 am Thursday, August 15, 2019
Members of the Buckingham Middle School FFA Chapter competed in several competitions June 17-20 at the 93rd State Convention held on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.
FFA competitions are designed to use knowledge and skills the competitors have learned in their Agricultural Education courses.
This year there were five teams from the middle school that competed. The members spent many hours outside of class practicing and preparing for their contest. They did very well representing Buckingham Middle School. The Middle School Small Animal Care team placed sixth overall. Teammates included Justice Steger, Gwyneth Mitchell, Courtney Agee and Jordan Dorrier. Sherry Dorrier coached the team.
Middle school members also competed in the Plant Science, Food & Fiber, FFA Quiz Bowl, Horse Hippology and Agriscience Technology and Mechanics, career development events. The Plant Science team placed 10th overall. The team consisted of Emily Long, Jenna Oliver, Liberty Johnson and Summer Garrison. The Food & Fiber team placed 13th overall. The team consisted of Eli Bryant, J’Miyah Holman, Haylie Hucks and Jacob Palmore. The Quiz Bowl team placed 11th overall. The team consisted of Emma Staton, Camden Allen, James Motley and Daniel Farrish. The teams were coached by Sherry Dorrier. The Horse Hippology team placed seventh overall with Jenna Oliver placing 11th as an individual. Other teammates included Long, Johnson and Garrison. The team was coached by Casey Davis. The Mechanics team placed 16th overall. Team members included Jacob Carter, Hunter Branch, Quintin Page and Ethan Martin. The mechanics team was coached by Sherry Dorrier and Andrew Schmitt.
The Buckingham Middle Chapter was also recognized with the Superior Chapter Award and a public relations award.