Lutz selected for REU program

Published 8:00 am Monday, July 29, 2019

Henry Lutz, son of Dr. Consuelo Alvarez and Dr. Gray Lutz and a 2017 graduate of Prince Edward County High School, is currently a chemical engineering major at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. He is one of 13 students selected from a pool of approximately 200 applicants to participate in a REU Program on Engineered Bioactive Interfaces and Devices at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. The program runs from May 28 through Aug. 2. The program includes a $5,000 stipend funded through the National Science Foundation and an invitation to present the research at either a regional or national scientific meeting. Henry credits his acceptance in the REU program in large part to his experience performing research with Dr. Nicholas Deifel at Hampden-Sydney College last summer. Henry is a member of the Archimedean Society, an honor society for RPI students with 4.0 GPAs; a member of Omega Chi Epsilon for Chemical Engineering, an honor society for upperclassmen chemical engineers in the top fourth of their class; and a member of the American Institute for Chemical Engineering. Henry is a member of the RPI Golf team and is a tutor for first semester chemistry and physics classes. (Send “Way to Go!” photos with a description and names to

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