Brown v. Board scholarships
Published 7:51 am Thursday, May 2, 2019
The Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Committee of the Virginia General Assembly recently announced the limited-time availability of applications for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Committee is accepting applications through May 31.
The Brown Scholarship Program was established by the Virginia General Assembly in 2004 to provide educational opportunities for persons who were denied an education in the localities of Arlington, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Prince Edward County and Warren County, due to the closing of the public schools to avoid desegregation during Massive Resistance between 1954 and 1964. Eligible persons may live anywhere in Virginia; however, they must be current domiciled residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia at the time of application and must have been a student in one of the named school divisions during Massive Resistance. The scholarship program is available to all eligible Virginians without regard to gender or race.
Scholarships may be used to cover the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks at accredited Virginia public schools and institutions of higher education, and nonprofit career and technical schools, as approved by the Committee. Eligible persons may use the scholarship for transitional education programs to prepare for success in GED and adult education programs, GED certificate, Adult high school diploma, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credit, Career-technical skills training at public two-year colleges or nonprofit career and technical schools, two-year or four-year undergraduate degree programs at accredited Virginia public and private institutions, part-time or full-time, master’s, doctoral and professional degree programs, as approved by the Committee.
Application deadline is May 31. Applications may be downloaded at