Our commitment to you
Published 4:55 pm Tuesday, April 2, 2019
In Friday’s edition of The Herald, we published the article “Setting the record straight” to address a situation no newspaper wants to find itself in — having published an inaccurate news story. We incorrectly announced online and in the Wednesday, March 27, edition that pop star Justin Timberlake (JT) had visited Farmville the preceding weekend and had performed at a charity fundraiser at Fuqua School. Rather, it was a Timberlake impersonator, and we apologized for the inaccurate reporting and went on to describe how the error occurred.
At The Herald we take seriously our obligation to report area news accurately and thoroughly.
We are your newspaper — dedicated to providing residents in Buckingham, Cumberland and Prince Edward with news, information and opinions without restraint or censorship by government, political entities or other outside pressures.
As noted on our website’s About Us page, “ … we are determined to provide the people with a forum of factual information and intellectual expression, the means to share news and help shape the world most immediately around them.”
This recent experience, though unfortunate, reminds us of that commitment and we are more determined than ever to meet our obligation to provide factual information.
Our hope is that you will continue to entrust us with your confidence as we go forward.