Fair and equal treatment for all

Published 5:21 pm Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Throughout the history of Farmville and its surrounding areas, there have been struggles for people of color, like the case in which Davis v. Prince Edward County was added to the Brown v. Board of Education case. This area has not treated people of color well by any means, but the case of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline in Union Hill emphasizes this same unfair treatment.

While Dominion energy is promising development in Union Hill after the ACP installation, there are too many environmental and social ramifications to consider. Environmentally, as Gore mentioned, the ACP is detrimental for not only the area, but possibly the Commonwealth as a whole. The Rev. Dr. William Barber II mentioned that our earth must be protected, and it should be. We choose our relationship with nature. We can choose to destroy it with the ACP compressor, or we can choose to protect it with other sustainable, environmentally-friendly options that are at our disposal.

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It’s important that the Union Hill community sticks together and fight the ACP proposal. This community is just as important as any other in the area and they should be treated as such.

Katelyn Jones
