Banks named Envoy Valentine Queen
Published 8:03 am Thursday, February 21, 2019
- Maggie Logan Banks
The Valentine Queen at Envoy Nursing Home in Fork Union is Maggie Logan Banks. She is 103 years old and full of fun all the time. She dresses up every day with her makeup and is very conscious of how she looks.
On Saturday, March 23, a Wine and Cheese with Silent Auction benefit will be held to raise funds for the furnishings, fixtures and equipment for the new library in Buckingham County. The benefit will be held at the Buckingham VFW Hall located at 14405 W. James Anderson Highway. The event begins at 6 p.m. and will continue until 8 p.m. Ticket price includes wine, nonalcoholic beverages and hors d’oeuvres. Items for the silent auction will be open for bids until 7:30 p.m. Buy tickets at the door, from a member of the Fundraising Committee or at the Buckingham County Public Library, 1140 Main St., Dillwyn. For further information, email bclfrc@gmail. com or phone Pat Howe at (434) 969-4886.
The Buckingham Friends of the Library are accepting new, quality items or gift vouchers for the silent auction. If you have items, please contact Pat Howe at the email and phone number listed above. The Friends will be accepting items until March 15 which can also be delivered to the library to the attention of Amy White, branch manager. Come have an enjoyable evening and support a worthy cause. All proceeds go toward the funding of furnishings, fixtures and equipment for the new Buckingham County Public Library.
Buckingham County High School is hosting spring SAT testing Saturday, March 9. Registration continues until Feb. 27. Please contact the guidance counselors at the high school for more information at (434) 969- 6100, ext. 149.
Concord Baptist Church hosted a Valentine’s Lunch on Feb. 10 following morning worship services. Members engaged in a hot meal, prepared by the social committee and served by the church’s youth group. Attendees enjoyed games, door prizes, and lots of fun and fellowship. Concord Baptist Church is located at the intersection of Francisco and Deer Run Roads and has Sunday school at 10 a.m. and worship services at 11 a.m. each Sunday.
Industrial Hemp Forum, scheduled for March 12, will be held at the B.A.R.N facility in Buckingham from 1-4 p.m. Learn about the history, laws, regulations, markets and a local perspective. Featured speakers are Dr. John Fike with Virginia Tech, Erin Williams with VDACS, and Margaret Collins who is a local producer. To register, call the Cumberland Extension Office at (804) 492-4390.
Attend a dormant pruning workshop March 1 from 1-4 p.m. at Hamlet Vineyards. Admission is free. For more information, call the Buckingham Extension Office at (434) 969-4261.
SHERRI WISE can be reached at wise.