THE WORD: The mission is to make disciples

Published 11:18 am Thursday, April 19, 2018

recently became engaged in a spirited discussion regarding missions. The idea that we are to go into all the world and spread the Gospel. During this discussion the theological question came up regarding the word “go” in Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” One position held that the meaning is “as you go,” as in, as you go about your daily life, wherever you are at, whomever you meet, etc. Another position held that it meant to literally “go to all the nations,” pack up and travel to wherever the Gospel needs to be spread. I switched back and forth just to keep things interesting, but in the back of my head I was thinking the key point is to “make disciples.” The thrust of the message or the command is to teach, baptize and make disciples.

Sometimes we are overwhelmed or unable or not in the place we need to be, to go out to other lands and minister to those whom we have yet to meet. Conversely, we sometimes shy away from ministering to those whom we do know who are standing right before us. Not all are called to the foreign mission field or even the stateside mission field, but all who have accepted Christ are part of a greater mission and are in fact missionaries of the Gospel message.

The key word in the “Great Commission” as we have come to call it, is “mission.” It is an assignment. The key point in the command itself is “to make disciples,” and “the going” is part of that.

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All of this is to say that we need to look at a few things when it comes to this command that was initially given to the first disciples and that Christians now apply to their own walk.

First, what are you equipped to do? That is, what gifts has God given you that can enable you in sharing your faith?

Second, where has God placed you? Where are you living, working, spending your time? Where is it that you go or that is the most available for you to go to?

Third, with whom has God placed you with? Who are the people you see, the people in your life, your co-workers, your neighbors, your friends?

Fourth, what is it that God is leading you to do? Where is He calling you, where is He placing you?

I think if we take the time to look at just these few questions, we will find that whether we “go” or “as we go” we are in the mission field where He wants us, equipped how He needs us and with the people He needs us with. The key word is mission; the mission is to make disciples.

Rev. Barry Vassar is pastor at Fitzgerald Memorial Baptist. He can be reached at