Gray receives recognition

Published 11:58 am Thursday, December 14, 2017

Prospect District Supervisor Calvin L. Gray was presented with a plaque at Tuesday’s Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors meeting which recognized him for his service.

“As this is my last month in the seat, I must say that there are moments in life that we are granted the honor and the privilege to serve in higher levels of office and service,” Gray said. “I believe that is the will of the Lord.”

Gray was not re-elected to his seat in November’s election. David Emert will take his seat in January.

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“This, for me, has been one of those wonderful moments, serving, and because of that I thank the Prospect District, Prince Edward County for allowing me this distinction and privilege,” Gray said. “To this entire board and to (County Administrator Wade Bartlett) and his entire staff, I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with each and every one of you, collectively and in individual cases. May God grant you and our county prosperity and continuous progress.”

Chairman and Lockett District Supervisor Robert M. “Bobby” Jones said, “Calvin, mighty kind words. It’s been an honor to work with you over the last three-and-a-half years, and I learned a lot from you and your guidance and all, and we wanted to give you this plaque that you could display with pride.”

In January, Jones will rotate out of the position as chairman and will be replaced by Farmville 801 District Supervisor Pattie Cooper-Jones. The chairman position in Prince Edward County is a rotating position that supervisors take over for a year.

“The year’s gone by fast,” Jones said. “When the county went to a rotating chairmanship, I was a little reluctant because I didn’t know if I’d have any time to fulfill my duties properly like I should. But I’ve got to admit, it’s been very easy to do it because of the board that surrounds me and their support and the support of the committees that we’ve had.”