Landowners’ rights, or not?
Published 11:48 am Thursday, July 27, 2017
When I was surveyed, invaded, bullied or whatever you want to call it, I had friends come over to be present as witnesses on three different days.
The day the surveyors came was not even one of the week of possible dates sent in writing. It was this specific tactic of “on or after” a certain date allowed in Circuit Court Judge Don Blessing’s original order that was recently struck down by the Virginia Supreme Court.
I was heartened to see that at least the state Supreme Court would adhere to the precise meaning of notice and affirmed what the lawyers said many times: general notice that something might happen is worse than no notice at all.
This whole idea that private profit should be allowed to violate property rights is obscene. A simple economic analysis shows that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s (ACP) gas will be more expensive than the gas already available from Transco.
The gas infrastructure is being overbuilt and of no lasting public value. It is obscenely profitable for the builders, however, evidenced by Dominion’s campaign dollars in action.
Robert C. Day