When the demand is greater than your resources
Published 8:53 am Thursday, June 22, 2017
- Dr. James Taylor, Jericho Baptist Church
Due to the recent high temperatures, it seems that the anticipated dog days of August are making its debut ahead of schedule here in the late stages of June. The high temperatures have caused a sudden increase in demand for electrical power and AC units are already in distress.
The cooling units at our church during a recent Sunday afternoon service were malfunctioning which caused much concern in that vacation bible school was scheduled Monday through Friday of the following week. A call went out early that Monday morning to the local energy company for immediate service. However, we were informed that due to the sudden sharp rise in temperature, the demand was greater than expected and there were more calls than the technicians could handle. The bad news was that it would be about three days before someone could respond to check our units. I chuckled and said, “Why did I not know this would be the answer.”
The demand was greater than the resources. Correspondingly, I find that life’s journey is frequently the same way on so many occasions. So often each day that the Lord grants us a wakeup call, and it seems that there are numerous demands in our daily lives. However, the challenge is that too often it seems that our resources to meet those demands seems so meager or insufficient.
We find this to be a reality in our places of employment, while taking care of family matters, interacting in our communities and yes, even at our places of worship. This usually leads to frustration and anxiety as we strive to navigate life’s journey.
However, we find in the gospel of Matthew that Jesus’ disciples experienced the very same as they journeyed and labored with him. I believe that we all can glean from the lesson that Jesus taught them in the very midst of the situation. This event of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with two fish and five loaves baffled and frustrated his disciples. They wanted to send the crowd away because there were only two fish and five loaves available to meet the demand of such a large hungry crowd.
Jesus stated to them to bring what they had to him.
Oh, how good it is to know that no matter how meager or insufficient your resources are to meet the demands of life, communicating with the Father in heaven makes a difference and victory will hang in the balance.
Jesus calmly provided the example that we can all learn from. The demand was met through divine intervention, which is also available to those who trust in Him to meet their every need.
By the way, after the first phone call to the energy company, prayer was wrought and another call was put in pleading our case. We were told they would see what they could do … the technicians arrived within a day.
Thus, when the demand is greater than your resources: what then? Look to the Father for the resolution.
Dr. James Taylor III is the pastor of the Jericho Baptist Church in Farmville. His email address is jht3@verizon.net.