Walk will explore 1906 High Bridge murder
Published 6:21 am Thursday, June 30, 2016
Along a sleepy stretch of High Bridge Trail, a murder was committed that would eventually result in Virginia adopting electrocution as the sole means of execution being centralized at the penitentiary in Richmond. Meet Ranger Bob Flippen Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Tuggle access point to High Bridge Trail and learn about the crime, the apprehension of the suspects, their escape, capture, trial and execution by hanging on Feb. 15, 1907. The execution was so botched, Virginia did away with local hangings. Feel free to bring a bite to eat, a lawn chair and converse as there is a picnic table nearby as well as a comfort station. A parking fee applies. Call (434) 315-0457 or email highbridgetrail@dcr.virginia.gov for more information.