‘Budget must be rejected’
Published 11:43 am Tuesday, April 26, 2016
A recent speaker at during a budget public hearing called for fiduciary responsibility in Buckingham County. What a fine goal. However, when we look at the proposed county budget, does it show such good fiscal judgment? No. Let’s look at a few reasons why it does not.
First, a 10 percent increase in real estate taxes is insulting to good judgment. Who in the county received a 10 percent increase in his income last year? I think that we can safely assume that no one did. What are retirees, who are on fixed incomes, to do? Go without heat and food? Is this a budget with a heart? Is this fiscal and social responsibility?
Second, $162,500 is proposed for support of the community library in Farmville. Because this is a community library serving Prince Edward, Cumberland and Buckingham counties, why is there such a great push by a vocal minority to force a new library upon the citizens of Buckingham County? This would be a duplication of services. Is such duplication a mark of fiscal responsibility?
Third, there is a projected fund surplus of some $4.2 million. Yes, we need a rainy day-fund, but do we need over $4 million? The answer is clear. No. Again, we see a lack of fiduciary responsibility in this proposed budget.
The two supervisors who voted against this budget are to be commended for their insight and fiscal responsibility.
A proposed 10 percent increase in real estate taxes shows a lack of wisdom and good judgment. This budget must be rejected by the citizens of Buckingham County.
Fillmer Hevener