Alcova Mortgage supports our community
Published 11:42 am Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Tony Markland, representing Alcova Mortgage, of Powhatan, recently donated $300 to Ellery Sedgwick, representing the FACES (Farmville Area Community Emergency Services) Food Pantry. According to a press release, the $300 has the capacity to purchase 1,500 pounds of food, feeding about 60 families in the area. Alcova also supports the Farmville community by serving as a lead sponsor for the June installment of the Farmville Jaycees’ First Friday Series. The firm served as the lead sponsor for the Farmville Christmas Parade. We thank Alcova for investing in our community and commend it for helping others through charity. Pictured are, from left, Marlkand, Joy Stump, president of the Farmville Area Chamber of Commerce, and Sedgwick. (Send ‘Way to Go’ photos with names and a description to