Board seeks uniformity in mascot

Published 11:44 am Thursday, January 28, 2016

Preliminary efforts are being made to give uniformity to the mascot for the Buckingham County Public School division.

The school board is seeking uniformity in how each school depicts the Knight mascot, according to division superintendent Dr. Cecil Snead.

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“In recent years, different versions of the Knight kept surfacing, so the [school] board, along with various staff, felt compelled to address this issue of multiple representations,” he said.

The issue was discussed during the school board’s January meeting.

“The board discussed the merits of upholding tradition with branding Buckingham exclusively with the Knight on a horse and traditional regalia. All stakeholders, involved to this point, support staff in making sure our brand is where we desire it to be as a community,” he said.

Currently, there is no one specific mascot, according to District Three Representative and Board Chairman Chairman Ed Wise.

“One of the main discussion points is the numerous mascots currently in use,” he said. “There are numerous ‘Knights’ used at each school and in the athletic programs. The discussions included whether one mascot should be used for the district. There have been objections to at least one currently in use.”

The discussions are preliminary, Wise said.

“We are now seeking facts as to history and will seek input before any decisions are made.”

Wise said that board is in discussion about the division’s mascot and said there could be no change.

Current versions of the Knight are depicted as logos of a knight on a horse, a knight on a stick horse and a knight’s mask with the word “knight” underneath in green lettering.

Snead said there is still additional work to be done in the process with the potential change.