Committee appointed to review county, BCYL lease
Published 7:05 pm Tuesday, December 22, 2015
BUCKINGHAM — County supervisors in Buckingham have agreed to appoint a committee to examine a lease between the county and the Buckingham County Youth League for the Gene Dixon Sr. Memorial Park north of Dillwyn.
The 20-year lease is set to expire in August, according to County Administrator Rebecca S. Carter.
“I feel the need to appoint a committee to review this lease arrangement and make a recommendation back to the board of supervisors prior to August 2016,” District Seven Supervisor and Board Chairman Danny Allen said in a memo to supervisors.
Appointed to the committee were County Recreation Director Todd Shumaker, Junior Wharam, Rebecca Carter, assistant county administrator Karl Carter, District Two Supervisor Donnie Bryan, County Attorney E.M. Wright and Allen.
“This committee should begin to meet within the next 90 days,” Allen said.