Project is much needed on 20

Published 11:51 am Thursday, September 24, 2015

For many weeks recently it seemed like the Virginia Department of Transportation, or VDOT, morphed into BDOT, the Buckingham Department of Transportation.

Over a one-month span, road projects have been performed by orange-vested men with matching hardhats on Routes 56, 60, 15 and 20 — four of Buckingham’s major thoroughfares.

The projects — most of which were paving operations — halted traffic and made people late for work and personal appointments.

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The jobs also caused folks to wonder what sort of revenue sources and expenditures VDOT has, questioning its priorities.

To me, paving an already hard-surfaced road that is in good shape is a waste of money when the county has dirt and gravel roads that school buses and other vehicles travel along daily. Instead of spending for unneeded asphalt, the funds should be pooled together to put blacktop on unpaved roads.

There is one project, though, that’s still going on and will involve much more than just asphalt. It involves the safety of every driver and passenger who travels through the intersection of Route 20 and Troublesome Creek and Buffalo roads.

The ongoing realignment of the intersection is a major project that’s worth its weight in gold.

While the earlier referenced paving operations may make roads smoother and maybe a little bit wider, projects such as the big one on Route 20 saves lives.

According to VDOT, the way the intersection was previously situated posed limited sight distance for vehicles approaching the intersection from the east and attempting to turn onto Route 20.

The temporary inconvenience is well worth the permanent safety it will ensure.

The grade of Route 20 at the intersection has already dropped considerably — about five feet to be exact — which will optimize the sight distance for motorists.

I say that the $1.19 million project is worth every penny, despite the inconvenience of the rough road, the stop-and-go traffic and the endless dust it produces.

JORDAN MILES is the managing editor of Farmville Newmedia, LLC. His email address is