Published 10:32 am Thursday, September 10, 2015
In The Circuit Court Of Prince Edward County
and 0.078 acre land, in fee simple, in Hampden Magisterial District of Prince Edward County, along Route 633, and easement.
AT LAW NO. CL09000153-00
To Whom It May Concern
Pursuant to an Order entered on the 1st day of September, 2015, this notice is hereby given:
In this proceeding the Petitioner seeks to acquire by condemnation the fee simple and easement to certain pieces or parcels of land situated in Hampden Magisterial District of Prince Edward County, Virginia, for the uses and purposes of the Petitioner for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance and repair of a Highway System known as Route 633 in Prince Edward County, Virginia, all of which are described more particularly in the Petition and Exhibits attached thereto on file in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, to which reference is hereby made for a full and accurate description thereof; and, for the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury, to ascertain just compensation to the owners of any estate or interest in the property to be taken or affected as a result of the taking and use thereof by Petitioner.
For such purposes, the Petitioner will apply to the court sitting at Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia, on the 28th day of September, 2015, at 2:00 o’clock PM, or as soon thereafter as Petitioner may be heard, for the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury for the determination of just compensation as aforesaid.
And it appearing by affidavit filed according to law that the following owners are not residents of the State of Virginia, or their names and addresses are not known and that diligence has been used by and on behalf of the Petitioner to ascertain such names and addresses without effect:
William C. Anderson, Jr.
Whose address is unknown
Unknown Owners who may be the heirs, devisees, successors and assigns of Michael N. Payton, deceased,
Whose addresses are unknown
It is ORDERED that the aforesaid owners do appear within ten (10) days after due publication of this Order in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of Prince Edward County and do what is necessary to protect their interest; and it is further ORDERED that if any of the above named owners desires to assert any objection or defense to the taking or damaging of his property or the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case and to proceed with the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury, he shall file his answer and grounds of defense designating the property in which he claims to be interested, the grounds of any objection or defense to the taking or damaging of his property or to the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case and to proceed with the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury, for the determination of just compensation.
Should any such owner fail to file his answer and grounds of defense as hereinabove provided, such failure shall not preclude the owner from appearing on the date set for the appointment of commissioners or the empanelment of a jury and presenting evidence as to the valuation and damage nor from sharing in the award of just compensation according to his interest therein or otherwise protecting his rights, but such failure shall preclude such owner from any other defense by way of pleas in bar, abatement, or otherwise.
An Extract Teste: 9-1-15
Machelle J. Eppes
Don P. Bagwell, Jr.
Counsel for Petitioner
206 Main Street, Suite A
South Boston, VA 24592
Telephone Number
Fax Number 434-476-2013
VA State Bar #19512