Pamplin upgrades depot, evening primrose in bloom
Published 1:37 pm Thursday, August 13, 2015
- Found on roadsides and fence lines, the yellow evening primrose is a prolific night bloomer in July and August.
The Elam area was blessed with almost two inches of very beneficial rain last Wednesday and Thursday nights. The grass is greener, the leaves have perked up, and flowers are in full bloom.
Every morning the fence line around part of our pasture is lined with bright canary yellow flowers that fade as the morning sun warms the day. The evening primrose loves the night life, with her flowers opening at dusk and closing by midday. She loves to reside on the roadsides and in the edges of fields.
Its bright nectar guide pattern is visible to night-flying insects, such as large sphinx moths. Bees, skippers and butterflies are other pollinators and the seeds are eaten by gold finch and mourning doves while deer dine on the foliage.
Native Americans used the plant for various digestive and skin ailments. Oils from the seeds are use in skin lotions and lipsticks.
Several years ago a friend gave us a few slips of this lady of the evening. Mother Nature has taken care of the proliferation of the plant so that now it is more than a lovely flower in a contained area but a teeming hedgerow along fence lines.
Pamplin Town Council
Pamplin Town Clerk Paulie Johnson reported to council that the town will accept debit and credit cards for payment on all town billings as of September 1.
The floors in the depot freight room have recently been sanded and resealed with three coats of maple-tinted polyurethane by Custom Floors of Farmville at the cost of $9,250. The depot doors have been recently been repainted and secured, as well as the entrance walkways.
A final spark plug canvas of west Pamplin for the completion of the water/sewer surveys will be conducted on Thursday evening.
Town trash pickup will return to the 8 a.m. morning schedule on Thursday, August 20.
Chip Robinson, of Farm Use String Band, spoke to council about the success of the first Saturday free dances saying that attendance has tripled in the last five months due to the opportunity for a good meal, a free dance, and the socializing and visiting with friends. The meal program is planned for this year, but there is a need for groups to volunteer to prepare the meals beginning with January. Robinson said that it takes about two days to prepare to feed 100 to 125 people at the dance. The Pamplin Area Legacy Supporters and other local residents have been providing the food this year. Mayor Billy Horton said, “ We do not want to have this end,” as he volunteered his support for future meals.
Paulie Johnson reported that there are 20 confirmed vendors scheduled for Celebrate Pamplin on September 19. More vendors are being sought. There will be horse-drawn surrey rides around the town. The stage for the musicians will be facing Main Street allowing for plenty of seating.
Community Communiqué
Olive Branch United Methodist Church will host its annual ice cream social on Sunday at 7 p.m. All are welcomed.
The Farmville-Prince Edward Historical Society will meet this Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Farmville Train Station. Edwina Covington will present a slide show on the “Schools of Yesteryear” featuring Prospect, Pamplin, Hixburg, Darlington Heights, and some of the one room schools of that area.
David Woosley and his wife Estelle were recently inducted into the Pamplin Ruritans.
Sheri Hicks, of High Point, N.C., has been visiting with Kenneth and Bettye Brisentine.
Dorothy Womack is currently residing at the Woodland and appreciates all visitors, calls, and cards.
Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers: Kenneth Brisentine, Julian Covington, Dorothy Womack, Betty Jean Bolt, Gary Fiscus, and Vicki White.
Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Hannah Marie Erbe.
“For every fog in August, there will be a snowfall in winter.” – weather lore
If you have any news, call Edwina Covington (574-6576).