We Are What We Eat

Published 2:36 pm Thursday, November 15, 2012

Editor, The Herald:

I would like to extend my appreciation to Mayor Newman and the Prince Edward County Board of Supervisors for officially declaring October 24, Food Day. They expressed support for 'eating real' and local, healthy, sustainable agriculture through their actions. Our health is in our own hands through how we feed ourselves – spiritually, mentally & physically. Having local government stand up for our health is a great leap in the right direction. We, as a community, have the responsibility to feed ourselves properly to be healthy. Fueling ourselves has everything to do with how we think, how we move and what we put into our bodies – the body is the living, breathing result of how we feed ourselves. I am also thankful to the Counties of Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Lunenburg, Charlotte and Nottoway for also proclaiming Food Day this year, along with the Towns of Blackstone and Crewe. Next year, together, we can take Food Day even further. Let's celebrate everyday!

Allison Crews

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