Raines Tavern News
Published 2:27 pm Thursday, August 30, 2012
August 30 – The 2012 Cumberland County Flower Show, the 54th annual county flower show, was held at the Randolph Community Center. Back in history, this location was the site of another type of competition. A quarter – mile racetrack was located near the Raines Tavern. The Tavern served travelers on the Buckingham Road, part of the Richmond to Lynchburg Trail. There were 14 supporting shops and businesses, such as the Raines Post Office, (closed in 1927) the General Store, run by William Daniel Price and Aubrey Armistead (burned in the early 1930s) the stables, the blacksmith, and factories.
The competition for the flower show has been held once a year, and emphasizes fun and education with flowers – not dead heat to race with fastest horse!
In fact, the flowers are judged on the Danish system – each entry judged on its own merit. Thurs, there may be several blue ribbons in the same class. Flowers for the arrangements must be homegrown, and may be shared among neighbors. However, horticulture must be grown by the exhibitor.
This year's sponsors were: Redbud Garden Club, Cumberland Woman's Club, Cumberland Historical Society, Heart of Virginia Master Gardeners, Cumberland County 4-H, Cumberland County Sunday School Union, and Cartersville Garden Club.
The Redbud Garden Club has decided to sponsor the county flower show on even numbered years. Other sponsors may choose and odd numbered years. Assistance from co-sponsors continues to be appreciated.
This year's flower show committee was April McBride, chairman; Gail Thompson, Jean Taylor, Mary Lee Dimmie, Liz Dunn, Linda Eanes (4-H), Anna Garrett, Ann Ligon, Joanne Macleay, Patsy Miessler, Jan Pennington, Josephine Randolph, Geraldine Sanderson, Kate Shorter, Jo Smith, and Carolyn Wells.
Prizes were provided by citizens and by businesses for the arrangement and horticulture winners and for several door prizes.
At least two flower lovers have participated at all county flower shows since the beginning in the late 1950s. Agnes Ogle was present again in 2012, and received four blue and one red ribbon in horticulture. Aurelia Hazlegrove was present to see her daughter, Nancy H. Schaeffer, win many top ribbons this year. Aurelia donated African violets as flower show prizes through the years. She celebrates her 95th birthday this September.
Agnes Ogle remembers a flower show at the Cumberland High School cafeteria when she won the best arrangement in the show and the best specimen (burgundy iris) the same year.
One year when the flower show was held at the Cumberland Elementary School, Anna Garrett won best arrangements and best specimen entry the same year. Like the Aurelia, Nancy's mother, Anna's mother, the late Pauline M. Stimpson, supported the flower show. In the early years, Pauline and neighbor, Ruth Easter led the John Randolph Community 4-H club. On the eve of the flower show they held a youth workshop in which the 4-H members prepared their flower show entries.
For the 2012 flower show, Catherine B. Fleischman, teacher at Cumberland High School, conducted a youth flower workshop after school. Patsy Miessler handled the transportation of entries to and from the show.
Best Youth Arrangement ribbon went to Hannah Elstun. Blue ribbons went to Shaquana Booker, Mathias Duncan, Kate Phillips, and Kayla Stachner. Red ribbons on arrangements wet to Stephanne Bicdis, Sabrina Kirkland, Amy Maril, John Marion, Jeanne Robinson, and Brianna Thompson. Yellow ribbons were awarded to Ashlyn Edward, Stacie Garrison, Jiniera Jackson, Maiaysia Jones, and Maria Goday.
Leading for youth in horticulture points was Chelsea Giles. Best in show, adult horticulture was Martha Thompson's “Apple Blossom” amaryllis. High point winner's for horticulture were Clarence Ferguson, followed by Nancy Schaeffer, Rebecca Giles, and Janet Higgins; then Dottie Fahrner and Audrey Robinson.
Best in show arrangement was won by Nancy Schaeffer; high points in arrangement went to Ann Ligon, Audrey Robinson, and Nancy Schaeffer. Also winning one or more blue ribbons on arrangements were Rebecca Giles, Dottie Fahrner, and Anna Garrett.
Adults winning one or more blue ribbons on horticulture included John Dimmie, Mary Dimmie, Amanda Giles, Jackie Gibson, Agnes Ogle, Josephine Randolph, Anna Garrett, Rose Washington, and Joyce Thompson.