Trents Mill News
Published 3:01 pm Thursday, June 7, 2012
June 7 – Happy Birthday wishes are sent out to Gladys Absher, of Dillwyn, celebrating on Friday, June 8; Billy Adams, of Farmville, celebrating on Sunday, June 10; Michael Mahoney, of Amelia, celebrating on Wednesday, June 13; and Dorothy Shumaker, of Dillwyn and the Rev. Gene Johnson, of Buckingham, celebrating on Thursday, June 14.
Buddy and Linda Shifflet, of Dillwyn recently vacationed in Tennessee. While there, they visited several places and enjoyed a great time.
The Annual Gormus Reunion was held on Saturday, June 2 at Bear Creek Lake Meeting Hall. A large crowed enjoyed great food, fun and fellowship.
Visiting in the home of Ann Carter in Dillwyn over the weekend was her brother, Bradley Carter, and his son, Edward, of North Carolina.
Barry and Linda Miles, of Cumberland, visited with Martha Miles and her granddaughter Tiffany in Richmond on Wednes-day, June 6. Everyone had a nice visit.
Spreading God's Gifts Inc. held their pulled pork barbecue dinner and concert on June 2, in the fellowship hall of First Bap-tist Church in Dillwyn. The benefit raised over $1,100. A special thank you goes out to co-sponsors Food Lion of Dillwyn, Merita Bread Products, First Baptist Church in Dillwyn and Second Time Around with great gospel music. Thanks also to those who prepared, served and cleaned up after this event. Spreading God's Gifts Inc. helps those in need in the community.
Welcome home to Agnes Ogle of Cumberland who spent a few days recently at Chippenham Hospital of Richmond.
Our thoughts and prayers go out this week to those who are sick and shut-in.
Barry and Linda Miles were evening dinner guest in the home of Elizabeth, Tina and Holly Cook in Midlothian on Tuesday evening, June 5. All enjoyed a great time.
Thought for the Day: No one can be a real success without God.<br />
Spreading God's Gift Inc. holds monthly meetings each second Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Brown Chapel United Methodist Church, located off of U.S. Route 15 North of Dillwyn on State Route 617 (Gravel Hill Road). All are ignited to come and learn how to help. The non-profit local organization extends help to individuals and families in their hour of need in area communi-ties. For further information, call 434-983-2269 or 804-492-5806.