Board Picks Corbett
Published 5:02 pm Thursday, June 14, 2012
PRINCE EDWARD – With essentially no discussion, County supervisors ended a months-long process and selected two school board members for four-year terms.
“Board members, we have two candidates for each position,” Chairman William “Buckie” Fore began. “I will ask for a show of hands on one candidate at a time.”
It was a quiet ending, but one that will mean change for the school board. While supervisors agreed to reappoint Buffalo District school board representative Russell Dove with seven out of eight possible votes (with Leigh District Supervisor Don Gantt abstaining), the board-despite vocal support in last month's public hearing for incumbent Leigh District representative Harriett Fentress, tapped Dr. Timothy Corbett as the new representative from that district.
Dr. Corbett, a family physician and pastor of a church in Appomattox, has practiced medicine locally for the past 14 years. He has three sons that have all graduated from the County's schools.
“I'm real familiar with the community,” he detailed at the May meeting. “I'm familiar with what goes on in the community to an extent. And I'm a personable person-a person that people can approach.”
Ms. Fentress has 32 years of educational experience and has a bachelor's degree in science and a Masters Degree in education. She has served as a teacher (including a year in Prince Edward), assistant principal, and a science department head at a vocational technical high school in Baltimore. She had served on the school board since 2007.
Ms. Fentress was supported in her bid for reappointment by Farmville District supervisors Pattie Cooper-Jones and Howard Simpson. Dr. Corbett was supported by Supervisors Howard “Pete” Campbell, Charles McKay, Chairman Fore, Jim Wilck and Robert “Bobby” Jones.
Dove had been opposed in his bid for reappointment by Melvin R. Reynolds Jr.
The terms are set to begin July 1.