Five Forks Road Condition Atrocious
Published 3:36 pm Thursday, May 31, 2012
Editor, The Herald:
Has anyone driven down the Five Forks Road/Rt. 658 lately? Hope you were not driving a nice vehicle – because the potholes and road degradation are atrocious! The already narrow and dangerous road is crumbling away and leaving drivers little to no choice but to drive in the middle. This is inexcusable due to the amount of traffic this road sees on a daily basis. This is a main road used by Hampden-Sydney students to get to Rt. 460, a major highway. Every day you drive this road you are taking your life into your own hands. You are forced to drive dangerously in order to preserve your vehicle. I've traveled this road for 29 years and in that time it's only gotten worse. I've seen less utilized back roads receive better treatment from VDOT. What gives??? Each year this road becomes more populated.
Matt W. Womack
Five Forks Road
Prince Edward