'Women Build' Begins
Published 3:12 pm Tuesday, November 15, 2011
FARMVILLE – Farmville Area Habitat for Humanity has broken ground on the first Women Build home in the area! On Sunday Nov 13th the formal groundbreaking ceremony was held for Lee Dora Hurt and the Hurt Family.
Once the home is complete, Lee Dora will live in the home with two of her daughters Wendy and Christa, and three granddaughters Samantha, Serena, and Samya.
Habitat for Humanity's Women Build recruits, educates and nurtures women to build-and advocate for-simple, decent and affordable houses in their communities. More than 1,800 Women Build houses have been built since the program began in 1998.
The ceremony included many members of the Farmville community, including Dr. Carolyn Cooper (the Hurt family advocate), Farmville Lowe's Store Manager Walt Otto and Sales Mgr, Kim Boswell, as well as the Invocation from Rev. Sylvia Meadows and the Benediction by the Very Reverend Chris Cunningham.
The ceremony had numerous highlights including the Passing of the Hammer to the Hurt Family and the laying of the cornerstone.
The Hurt Family home will be on Hylawn Avenue. If you are interested in learning skills and putting them to work on the build site, you are encouraged to attend one or more of the Women Build clinics. Clinics are $10 each or $50 for all six sessions.
Attending the clinics guarantees a spot on the build site to utilize the skills learned in each clinic. The clinics are listed below and run from 6:45-8:15am at the Farmville Lowe's.
You can sign up for the clinics online at http://www.farmvillehabitat.org/index.php/women-build.
Hand & Power Tools: Wednesday, November 16.
Frame Walls & Roof: Thursday, November 17.
Install Exterior Siding: Wednesday, November 30.
Install Roofing Shingles: Wednesday, December 7.
Install Insulation/Drywall: Wednesday, December 14.
Finish Interior w/ Paint/Trim: Thursday, December 15.
For more information contact: Jayne Johnson 434-392-6627 or jayne@farmvillehabitat.org.