Published 3:10 pm Tuesday, July 26, 2011
In execution of the Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $114,000.00 from KRISTOPHER G. DUNKUM, UNMARRIED, dated June 01, 2006 recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of BUCKINGHAM, Virginia, in Deed Book 330, at page 740, default having occurred in the payment of the Note thereby secured and at the request of the holder of said Note, the undersigned Substitute Trustee(s) will offer for sale at public auction At the main entrance of Buckingham Circuit Court 13061 West James Anderson HWY, Buckingham, VA 23921, on August 05, 2011 at 10:00 AM the property described in said Deed of Trust, such property is located at the above address and briefly described as: CONTAINING 3.043 ACRES, MORE OR LESS FRONTING ON STATE ROUTE 745 AND STATE ROUTE 718, WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit of $10,000.00, cash or certified check, will be required at the time of sale with settlement within fifteen (15) days from the date of sale. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, we advise you that we are a debt collector attempting to collect the indebtedness referred to herein and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. AND ALG TRUSTEE, LLC, Substitute Trustee(s) FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 2380 Performance Drive, TX2-985-07-03, Richardson, TX 75082 (800) 281-8219 – Call Between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CST) OR ALG Trustee, LLC 803 Sycolin Road, Suite 301, Leesburg, VA 20175 (703) 777-7101 – Call Between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. (EST) (11 -0008440/CONV) (Trustee No. 519469) ASAP# 4046506 07/27/2011, 08/03/2011