Local Business and Employment Notice
Published 3:51 pm Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Southeast RCAP, Inc is preparing to carry out The Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation Loan Program, a low/moderate income housing rehabilitation project, in Buckingham, Caroline, Prince George, Clarke, Frederick, Montgomery, Floyd, Pulaski and Wythe Counties, through the use in whole or in part of the Virginia Indoor Plumbing Loan Funds and federal HOME funds.
All job openings will be listed with the local office of the Virginia Employment Commission. Persons qualified for the jobs listed should register at the presiding counties' Virginia Employment Commission office.
Additionally, the following contracts and procurements will/may be made:
a.) Well drilling and water system installation
Septic field installation/ construction excavation
Residential electric service installation upgrade
Residential plumbing installation
Residential general contracting/rehabilitation and new construction heating system installation
Termite and other pest treatment
Lead paint inspection and abatement
b.) Building materials and supplies
Southeast RCAP, Inc. will, to the greatest extent feasible, utilize business concerns located in or owned by persons residing in Buckingham, Caroline, Prince George, Clarke, Frederick, Montgomery, Floyd, Pulaski and Wythe Counties.
Any person residing or firm located in the above named localities may request to participate in procurement opportunities associated with this project by contacting the following person within ten days of this notice. Written requests should include the name, address, product or service and phone number. All above referenced procurements shall be made on a competitive basis:
Beth T. Pusha
Director of Loan Fund & Economic Development
Southeast RCAP, Inc.
347 Campbell Ave., SW,
Roanoke VA 24016
(540) 345-1184