Have A Fire-less Fourth, But Still Have A Blast

Published 4:21 pm Thursday, June 30, 2011

State fire officials are urging caution with fireworks and even sparklers this July 4 holiday because, though much of the state had a very wet early spring, June in many places has tried to imitate its 2010 model-there was no measurable rainfall in Farmville 12 months ago.

There have been thunderstorms that dumped 15 or 20 minutes of heavy rain here and there this year but those have been hit or miss. So our area is extremely dry. A fire waiting to happen.

As Bruce Springsteen sings in “Dancing In The Dark,” you can't start a fire without a spark.”

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That holds very definitely true for wildfires.

Keep your sparks to yourself.

To enjoy fireworks on a grand scale without personally risking being charged with starting a wildfire, the Town of Farmville is hosting its annual event on Sunday, July 3 at the Farmville Regional Airport, with Cartersville and Meherrin following with their traditional celebrations on Monday, the Fourth of July. See page one story for details. And enjoy.