Cumberland 4-H Volunteers Appreciated
Published 3:48 pm Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Editor, The Herald:
National Volunteer Week is celebrated on April 10-16. I would like to take this opportunity to share my deep appreciation for all the adult and teen volunteers that give so much of their time, talent and resources to the Cumberland 4-H Program.
It is because of their commitment that so many young lives are touched in Cumberland. Our 4-H volunteers make it possible for our young people to experience opportunities that I alone could not give them. Opportunities to visit places they have never been, to go to Jr. 4-H Camp, to camp in a tent for the first time, to learn how to shoot a rifle, to learn how to ride horses, or to learn how to bake biscuits. The list is absolutely endless!
More important are the life skills that members develop because of participation in the 4-H program.
Over the last 8 years, I have had the pleasure of working along side people that are much more than just volunteers to me they have become my friends and extended family. I want to take a minute to say “Thank You for all the amazing ways you share yourselves with our kids!!”
Linda Eanes,
4-H Agent, Cumberland