Buckingham News
Published 4:58 pm Thursday, March 3, 2011
BUCKINGHAM — The Auxiliary of the Dillwyn Volunteer Fire Department is hosting the Miss Buckingham Pageant this Saturday, March 5, 7 p.m., in the auditorium at Buckingham County High School.
The pageant features categories and titles for girls from ages three through 21.
Admission is $8 at the door. Cost of the souvenir program featuring photos of the contestants is $5.
Saturday, March 5 is the last day to sign-up for the Buckingham County Youth League spring baseball and softball season. Teams are available for boys and girls 12 years of age or younger (but must be age four by May 1).
Signups are held at the Gene Dixon Sr. Memorial Park on Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
If this is your child's first time participating, please bring a copy of their birth certificate. Registration fee is $40. Along with the registration fee, please be ready to supply your insurance information.
Before going to purchase baseball or softball equipment for your child, you might want to stop by the park and check-out the inventory of items, new and used, available for sale.
For more information about registration, please call Ms. Shelley Perkins at 581-3937.
The Dillwyn Divas of Curves is sponsoring a car wash on Saturday, March 5, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., at Advance Auto Parts on Route 15 in Dillwyn.
Teaming up with the Divas are members of the NFL Club of Cumberland County who will be doing the washing.
Proceeds will benefit the Relay for Life of Buckingham County.
The Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center is sponsoring its annual fundraiser and the drawing is set for Saturday, March 12, at the center.
For $75, you receive a chance to win the grand prize of $5,000 or cash amounts ranging from $75 to $500. Only 300 tickets are available.
Along with a chance for some extra cash, your ticket entitles you to two admissions to the silent auction and BBQ din-ner on the night of the drawing. The silent auction begins at 4:30 p.m., barbecue will be served at 5 p.m., and the drawing starts at 6.
Tickets are available at the Dental Offices of Dr. Wes Saxon on Route 15 at 15320 N. James Madison Hwy. Tickets are also available by calling the 4-H Educational Center at (434)248-5444.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Glenmore is continuing its delicious tradition of a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This year's event is planned for Tuesday, March 8, from 5 to 7 p.m., at the church.
The menu features pancakes, apples, sausage, coffee, and other beverages. Donations will be accepted for the meal.
So gather up the family, invite the neighbors, and join with the folks at Emmanuel Episcopal Church for this wonderful evening that helps usher in the Lenten Season.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church is located on Route 602 at 7825 Howardsville Road, in Downtown Glenmore.
A Comprehensive Approach to Farm Business Succession Planning workshop series, with Peter Callan, is planned for March 10 and 24, at the Buckingham Extension Office. Each workshop will start at 4 p.m.
This two part series will provide an opportunity for farm owners and their families to learn about planning for the suc-cessful transfer of their farmland and business.
Topics will include Goals for the Future of Your Farm, Business profitability, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Tax management Issues and Business Organizations.
Cost is $15 per person for both sessions. This fee includes dinner on both nights, handouts, and materials.
Please call the Buckingham Extension Office at 434-969-4261 for more information or to register.
On Friday, March 11, friends of Dr. Powell Anderson are hosting an appreciation dinner for him as they celebrate his many years of service to this community and beyond.
In the summer of 2000, Dr. Anderson opened the Andersonville Animal Clinic. However, prior to his move back to his native Buckingham, he operated a successful veterinarian practice in Tampa, Florida.
In conjunction with his work at the Andersonville Animal Clinic, Dr. Anderson and his wife Lora are credited with res-cuing and finding homes for over 3,000 stray, abandoned, and surrendered animals in the area.
His good works also involve presenting educational programs in area schools and the community; rescuing wildlife un-der Virginia's approved guidelines; and, assisting in training for the county's animal control officers.
The dinner will be held at the Family Life Center/Gymnasium of the Nazarene Campground, 1151 High School Road, Route 690, across from Buckingham County Middle School.
Plans include registration at 6 p.m.; and, dinner from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. During that time, Cody Moss will be providing music.
After dinner, a program will feature tributes and presentations to Dr. Anderson. The evening will conclude with coffee and cake.
Tickets are $20 each or $35 for two; and, are available at many local businesses or www.transportbuddies.org.
Tickets are also available by contacting Betty Zumbro, Anderson Dinner Committee Treasurer, 1060 Pembleton Road, Dillwyn, VA 23936; (434) 983-3235; or czumbro@ceva.net
Sharon Baptist Church is hosting an evening of family entertainment on March 19. The program features bluegrass and bluegrass gospel music by Willow Branch.
The Virginia Folk Music Association has twice named this band the “Best Bluegrass Band.”
Featuring a high-energy show appropriate for all age groups, Willow Branch offers rich harmony and superb instru-mentation.
The concert will start promptly at 7 p.m. After the concert, a time of fellowship and light refreshments is planned.
Sharon Baptist Church is located at off Route 20 on Route 622 at 1627 Sharon Church Road. There is no charge for this event.
If you've taken the SKYWARN Spotter Class, here's an opportunity to further your knowledge.
A SKYWARN class will be taught at the Dillwyn Rescue Squad building on March 23, beginning at 6:30 p.m. This is an advanced class for those who have completed the initial spotter class.
For more information, visit http://www.erh.noaa.gov/rnk/SkywarnMainMenu/SKYWARNFAQ.htm. This is a link to the frequently asked questions page for the spotter class.
To register, call Kevin Flippen, Buckingham's E-911 coordinator, at (434)969-7734.