Jaycees Appreciate Parade Support
Published 4:30 pm Thursday, December 9, 2010
Editor, The Herald:
The Farmville Jaycees would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the 2010 Christmas parade.
We would also like to extend a special thanks to the following: Robin Atkins and the Town of Farmville, Chief Mooney and the entire police department, Longwood police department, Piedmont Regional Jail, the Chamber of Commerce, Taylor Forbes Equipment, Fourth Street Motor Co., WFLO, WSVS, WVHL, The Farmville Herald, Larry Armes and Art Rolle, William Lynn, Tommy Goin, all the fellow Farmville Jaycee members, the Longwood volunteers, as well as all the judges and participants.
Without everyone's hard work and continued dedication this event would not be possible. So thank you ALL for a job well done!!
Brandon Clark
Farmville Jaycees President-2010