Del. Edmunds' Letter Is Scrutinized

Published 4:30 pm Thursday, September 2, 2010

Editor, The Herald:

Delegate James Edmunds recently wrote a letter to The Herald that I consider being very interesting and unique.

I met James early in his campaign I consider him to be a fine, honest and sincere individual. I still do. He had my total support as the replacement of Clarke Hogan, and I assumed he would do the same outstanding job as Clarke had done.

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While I appreciate his frustration with “politics as usual”, I am disappointed in the whining and lack of positive attitude tone of his letter. My good friend and former political opponent, Watkins Abbitt, to my knowledge, has never publicly made any such statements; although I expect he has experienced the same frustrations. Instead, Watkins has shown the understanding, initiative to work within the system to quietly accomplish changes and make things happen. The folks in Watkins' district are fortunate to have him for their Delegate.

My advice to James would be that famous quote “If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen”. I did, and I have never regretted it.

Scott M. Harwood
