Kidd announces he’ll run for re-election in Buckingham County
The current Buckingham County sheriff wants to run for another term. William G. “Billy” Kidd Jr. announced late last week that he is once again seeking re-election to the Office of Sheriff of Buckingham County. Kidd, who was formerly a Fish and Game officer, has held the position since 2008.
“It has been an ongoing project to continue to build up the staff here, especially in light of the fact that very few people are called to do law enforcement work in todays’ political climate,” Kidd stated. “Fortunately, we have been lucky enough to attract some very talented individuals to our staff and I look forward to continuing to work with them into the future”.
He added that “I deeply thank the citizens of Buckingham County for their support over the years and look forward to working with all of you in our efforts to make Buckingham a safer place to live, work and raise our families”