Letter to the Editor: Our president is a lame duck

Dear Editor,

To my observation and opinion, what has unfolded in politics since this past July has exceeded the usual political games played in Washington. The beginning of it all began when the Democrat party decided to get rid of Joe Biden. They wanted a debate with Trump far earlier than they usually take place which is highly suspicious right there. This is the first indication that a plan was hatched. Then Biden delivers a debate performance that greatly exceeded his usual befuddled self. Was he given something to ensure a dismal presentation all designed for his ouster?

Then all the major players in the Demo party descend on Biden forcing him to abandon a second term as president. In the months prior to the Biden coup, every Democrat was praising how Biden was perfectly on top of his game ready for a second term. Then in the blink of an eye, he’s ousted. Suddenly the most derided and mocked vice president since Dan Quaile receives all the delegate votes that were given to Biden without a peep of objection. Then VP Harris is suddenly anointed as the presidential nominee rocketing from utter contempt to a position of praise and glory. Does anyone else recognize this political manipulation to be far out of the norm to put a person in the White House who hasn’t earned the post.

For months, Biden has been relegated to ‘’lame duck’’ sitting on a Delaware beach while VP Harris has been campaigning across the country. Who has been running the country? Perhaps the same shadowy figures who have been in charge for the last 3.5 years.

Karl Schmidt




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