News Briefs for Friday, March 17: Awards, Honors and More
Published 8:50 pm Thursday, March 16, 2023
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See below for this Wednesday’s news briefs.
Frazier receives awards
The Poetry Society of Virginia has just announced its winners for the 2023 Adult Awards in poetry. Chapman Hood Frazier’s poem, “Appalachian Sutra” won first place in the Edgar Allen Poe Memorial Award Category. His poem “Morning Sonata” also took first place in the Nancy Byrd Turner Memorial Category. Two other poems won second place awards in the Bess Gresham Memorial and Carleton Drewry Memorial Categories. Frazier’s been invited to read his work and receive the awards on Saturday, April 8 at William and Mary College.
Consequently, Frazier’s book signing for the release of his award-winning, The Lost Books of the Bestiary, has been postponed from Saturday, April 8 to Saturday, April 15 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Barnes and Noble on 200 N. Main Street Farmville. For more information on upcoming readings and book signings visit his website:
Cumberland honors school clerks
The Virginia School Boards Association designates one week in February as School Board Clerk Appreciation Week. The goal is to build awareness of the role school board clerks play in assisting school board members, superintendents, and local schools. In recognition of this, the Cumberland School Board recognized Clerk Elizabeth Jamerson, left, and Deputy Clerk Bernice Ford at the March 2023 meeting.
Shelton’s Garage honored by Chamber
Shelton’s Garage and Auto Sales, located outside of Dillwyn, was recently named the Business of the Month by the Buckingham Chamber of Commerce. “Shelton and Margaret Johnson are pillars of the community, as is their business,” said Buckingham Chamber President Jordan Miles. “They offer essential automotive services to the community and Shelton is known by many across the community as a fair businessman.” Pictured are, from left, Chamber Directors Eddie Slagle, Justin Midkiff, Barbara Wheeler, Sandra Moss, Brenda Jones, Ruth Kyle, Bro. Max Watner, Margaret Johnson and Shelton Johnson.
Mason gives a report on Girls State experience

Pictured are, from left, JR-L Chapter’s Girls State
Committee Chair Jean Fowlkes, Rachel Mason
and Rachel’s grandmother, Daphne Mason.
During the Saturday, Feb. 11, meeting of the Judith Randolph-Longwood (JR-L) Chapter, DAR, Rachel Mason of Fuqua School gave a report on her experiences at the 2022 Girls State which met in June at Longwood University. Each year the JR-L Chapter sponsors a girl to Girls State.
“Virginia Girls State is a program of The American Legion Auxiliary, a community service organization. The goal of the American Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girls State is to teach rising high school seniors the responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic society. ALA VA Girls State is an interactive “government in action” experience.”
Rachel is the daughter of Chris and Angela Mason of Farmville.