Groups partner to help the Monarch Butterfly

Published 5:00 am Friday, July 19, 2019

The Heart of Virginia Monarch Waystation was certified in 2016 in a partnership between Ruth Adams Garden Club (RAGC) and the Town of Farmville. The purpose of the Waystations across the country is to restore the habitat of Monarch Butterflies to insure their survival to produce successive generations and to sustain their migration across North America to Mexico for overwintering. Native milkweed and nectar producing flowers are grown in the Farmville Waystation using sustainable management practices. Also, two solitary bee nesting boxes were added to promote pollinators because they are in decline in America.

The Monarch Waystation service project continued the RAGC tradition of education and service. The club year was filled with many educational programs including topics on invasive plants; native plants; preparing gardens for the winter as well as horticultural happenings around town. In addition to these educational programs the club co-hosted with the Buckingham Dillwyn Garden Club, the District Garden Club Meeting, at the Moton Museum where 100 people enjoyed a flower show and meeting and had the opportunity to see and experience the Moton Museum. A memorable year it was as the club also celebrated its 40th anniversary.

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