4-H members participate in camp

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Junior 4-H Camp is a place where youth ages 9-13 and teen leaders ages 14-19 make lasting friendships, develop new skills, immerse themselves in the outdoors and embrace the “learn by doing” philosophy of 4-H. During the week of June 24-28, nearly 200 youth from the counties of Buckingham, Charlotte and Prince Edward attend 4-H Camp at Holiday Lake 4-H Center. Each participant was a valued part of the learning environment with many great contributions. At 4-H Camp, campers work in a cooperative environment to learn and grow.

Among the participants were three young ladies who took time out from their busy 4-H activities to remind the community of another role they each play. Abigail Bryant, Petite Miss Buckingham; Rachel Bardon, Miss Buckingham; and Erin Webber, Miss Scottsville, showed that pageant contestants are well-rounded individuals and active in the community. Abigail attended 4-H Camp as a camper and both Rachel and Erin attended as third-year teen leaders. All three demonstrated a sense of purpose, a willingness to help others and a strong commitment to character.

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