JROTC presentation at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Published 9:50 am Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Buckingham County JROTC Raiders presented a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on June 20. While the nationally ranked Raiders have visited Arlington before, this was the first time that they had the honor to present a wreath. The wreath laying ceremony was conducted by Cadets Sarah Perry and Tyler Moree. The ceremony was conducted immediately after the changing of the guard and was viewed by a very large crowd. The Sergeant of the Guard led Sarah and Tyler to the Tomb, placed the wreath and then rendered honors to our fallen Soldiers while Taps was played.

Also in attendance were Cadets Isabel Martinez, Christopher Opie and Tyler Moore. In addition, the cadets were tasked to research and speak about Arlington Cemetery. After the wreath laying ceremony, they presented an information brief of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a few of the more notable gravesites such as Audie Murphy and Lee Marvin.

Audie and Katrin Moree, Greg Wallace, SFC (ret) Bruce and Jennifer Grazier, and LTC (ret) Timothy Fanter chaperoned the group in Arlington National Cemetery. Special Touch Designs in Dillwyn provided the wreath for the ceremony.

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