Lunch and Learn: Stormwater and erosion

Published 2:59 pm Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Do you experience excess stormwater runoff around your home? Is soil erosion impacting your yard? If so, this Lunch and Learn program is for you. Join us Thursday, May 2, at noon in the conference room of the Prince Edward County Natural Resources and Agricultural Building located at 100 Dominion Drive in Farmville. There is no charge to attend, but bring your own lunch.

Emily Gibbs

The presentation will address common erosion and stormwater problems in residential settings and the steps homeowners may take to solve them. Topics will include residential Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as conservation landscaping, rain gardens and rainwater harvesting. The program is sponsored by Prince Edward County Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Heart of Virginia Master Gardeners. Emily Gibbs, the Residential Conservation Coordinator for the Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District, will be presenting. She graduated from the University of Mary Washington in 2015 with degrees in environmental science and Spanish and began working with the District shortly thereafter. She is the coordinator for the District’s residential initiatives, including the stormwater BMP program and the septic cost-share program.

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